Water is in the Air: Physics, Politics and Poetics of Water in the Arts

J’ai le plaisir d’annoncer la parution de l’ebook Water is in the Air que j’ai coordonné pour la collection  Leonardo à MIT Press.

Water is in the Air: Physics, Politics and Poetics of Water in the Arts

Annick Bureaud (Ed.), Leonardo/ISAST, MIT Press, Leonardo ebook series, Kindle Edition, February 2014

ISBN: 9780262757010


This ebook explores the ways that artists, from all over the world, working at the cutting edge of science and engineering, create work that addresses critical issues of water in culture and society. Drawing on thirty years of work documented in the Leonardo journal at MIT Press, the authors explore a wide range of topics, from art and climate change and pollution to artificially seeded clouds, from water fountains to the physics and poetics of waves, using all types of media (videos, performances, installations, sound art).

The Water is in the Air ebook is part of the ATEC Leonardo Initiatives in Experimental Publishing and Knowledge Curation at UT Dallas.

It is published in collaboration with the STUDIOLAB consortium, a Europe-wide initiative that merges the studio with the research lab, funded by the European Commission Seventh Framework Programme.

Editor Annick Bureaud –  Executive Editor Roger Malina – ebook Managing Editor Cathryn Ploehn.

Table of Content

Preface by Roger Malina

Introduction to Water Is in the Air by Annick Bureaud


– Phenomenology and Artistic Praxis: An Application to Marine Ecological Communication, Jane Quon

Lagoon Project: San Francisco Exploratorium, Laurie Lundquist

– The Durance: Interlaced Waters: Art-Science Collaborations and Audiovisual Research, Jacques Sapiega

– On The Modification Of Man-Made Clouds: The Factory Cloud, HeHe (Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen)

Paparuda, Monsieur Moo

Sonification and Sound Projects

Marbh Chrios, Sean Taylor and Mikael Fernström

– Pulse of an Ocean: Sonification of Ocean Buoy Data, Bob L. Sturm

Rainwire: Environmental Sonification of Rainfall, Dave Burraston


– Sculptures and Installations My “Mobile Hydromural”, Gyula Kosice

– An Application of the Water Bell Liquid Flow Phenomenon in Visual Art, Philip Bornarth and Franklyn K. Schwaneflugel

– Sculptural Constructions Involving Water Dynamics, Pearl Hirshfield

Memory Vapor, Dmitry Gelfand and Evelina Domnitch

– Anti-Entropic Role of Art,  Ana Rewakowicz


– Color-Music Fountains and Installations of the Erebuni Group, Abram Alexandrovich Abramyan

Wave Rings, Nodoka Ui

– The Futura Deluxe Bubble, Steven Raspa


– Fragments of a Flow: A Thread of Water in the Video Work of Irit Batsry, Irit Batsry

– Walking Clouds And Augmented Reverie, Nathalie Delprat

– Here Is Where You Heard the Ocean: An Interactive Sound Installation, Laura L. Clemons

Alma da Água: A Space Awareness Initiative, Dinis Ribeiro and Richard Clar

– Liquid Light: Working with Water, Liliane Lijn

– Music, Colors and Movements of Water, Jacques Mandelbrojt and Lucie Prod’homme


– From “Life-Water” to “Death-Water” or on the Foundations of African Artistic Creation from Yesterday to Tomorrow, Iba Ndiaye Diadji

– The Symbolic Function of Water in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cultural Approach, Camille Talkeu Tounouga

– Nommo —The Spirit of Water—in the Dogon World, Jacky Bouju


– Waterfields: Conceptual Water Drawings, Robert C. Morgan

– On the Artistic Use of Fluid Flow Patterns Made Visible, A. S. Douthat, H. M. Nagib, and A. A. Fejer

– Around the Cusp: Singularity and the Breaking of Waves, Javiera Tejerina-Risso and Patrice Le Gal

– Science and Art of Sculpturing Fluids, Jean-Marc Chomaz

– Looking beneath the Surface: The Radial Spread of Ink in Water, Pery Burge

– Process and Natural Phenomena as Conceptual Points of Departure in Extended-Format Sculpture, Eve Laramée

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