Ars Electronica Chronicles, « LightScale II »

"LightScale II", Uwe Rieger, St. Mary Cathedral, Linz, Ars Electronica 2017, image Annick Bureaud

« LightScale II », Uwe Rieger, St. Mary Cathedral, Linz, Ars Electronica 2017, image Annick Bureaud

The Cathedral St. Mary in Linz is said to be the biggest Cathedral in Austria. The huge nave is the host of LightScale II, a kinetic light and sound sculpture-installation by Uwe Rieger.

Gently moving according to the impulses given by the audience, the mesh-sculpture supporting the projections appears as a alien peaceful creature trying to enter in communication with us through a sound composition that resembles whale songs. It is a beautiful, calming and a bit melancolic work that invites to stop and listen, to it, but also, may be to each other.


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